Advancing the knowledge base on NbS to further support discussions on the concept in international policy agendas, providing evidence of the multiple benefits of NbS, where relevant. This lever builds on the role for research in streamlining and communicating the analysis of policy frameworks, barriers and opportunities for integrating NbS into international agendas. More efforts are required to further develop and integrate this knowledge base at the global level and help identify effective approaches to the transfer, replication, and upscaling of NbS as well as knowledge. Key avenues in this context relate to the advancement of knowledge on the role of biodiversity in supporting the delivery of ecosystem services, and on the linkages between NbS, biodiversity and climate, health, and circular and nature-positive economies. Integration of knowledge and evidence on NbS at EU and global scales is also clearly identified as need at the wider science-policy interface on biodiversity, with major initiatives on biodiversity data harmonisation identifying NbS as one of the key topics to work on (e.g. in developing the Science Service for the European Knowledge Centre for Biodiversity).
Davies, C., Chen, W. Y., Sanesi, G. & Lafortezza, R. The European Union roadmap for implementing nature-based solutions: A review. Environ. Sci. Policy 121, 49–67 (2021).
European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation et al. Nature-based solutions: state of the art in EU funded projects. (Publications Office of the European Union, 2020).